Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Technology Transfer and Community Directorate

 Mettu University was established among 3rd generation public institutions of higher education in Ethiopia with primary intention to bring quality education, undertake problem solving research and multi-dimensional services to the communities. Community service encompasses the wide range of educational, cultural, economic, environmental, scientific, social and other activities that involve interaction with individuals, groups and organizations. Mattu University recognizes community service as a key area of activity so as to share a high level of expertise with the community as an intellectual leader within a national and international context and stimulating and contributing to debate on educational, cultural, economic, environmental, legal and social issues. As a central philosophy of meeting societal expectations and needs from its higher educational trainings consistent, planned and well integrated community based education is becoming top urgent issue in higher teaching-learning institutions in the course of addressing educational social, economic, ecological and environmental problems of communities. The Ethiopian government has given due attention to enhance teaching-learning, research and community engagement in higher education institutions in compliance with existing policies and strategies. As one of higher public university in the country, MeU has a mission of offering relevant, efficient and quality education and training; conducting demand driven research and rendering efficient, effective and responsive community services. The legal provisions of this mandate are clearly stipulated in Higher Education Proclamation No. 1152/2019 (i.e. design and provide community and consultancy services that shall cater to the developmental needs of the country).Taking into account the significance of community service, MeU has established the office of VPRCSC, Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate, coordinator for research and Community Service at College levels. Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate, one of the Directorates under the Vice President for Academic, Research, Technology Transfer and Community Services, is engaged to coordinate and supervise the provision of quality training, consultancy services, and demand-driven development work projects.

Mattu University Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate mainly focuses on the following activities.

·         Community Engagement Service

·         Consultancy Service

·         Training Service

·         Outreach Program

·         Technology transfer

·         Community service project work



 MaU’s Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate mission is committed to provide need-based community services to foster social, cultural and economic development of the country. 


Mattu University aspires to be among the top ten societal problem-solving Universities in Ethiopia by 2031G.C. 


The general objective of this Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate is to assist the community via capacity building, livelihood improvement, establishing/enhancing collaboration and linkages with stakeholders/partners working on natural resource conservation, indigenous knowledge education, health, social, culture and other activities.

Specifically, the Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate shall be able to:

Ø  Assist the community via training and consultancy,

Ø  Improve livelihood of community through the development of outreach projects, 

Ø  Establish/enhance collaboration and linkages with stakeholders/partners 

Ø  Work on natural resource and indigenous or traditional knowledge

Duties and Responsibilities of Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate: 

Ø  Over look over all Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate undertaken at the University and departments/ schools/Research center/colleges/institute/ Campus level; 

Ø  Initiate need assessment periodically; 

Ø  Plan overall activities of Technology Transfer and Community Service; 

Ø   Guiding Technology Transfer and Community Service; Develop procedures, formats and different guidelines when the need raises; 

Ø  Ensuring that uniform and transparent procedures are followed across colleges and departments in the process of carrying out Technology Transfer and Community Service;  

Ø  Avail necessary resources and inputs if the volunteer services are requested by the University staffs and students; 

Ø  Monitoring and evaluating Technology Transfer and Community Service;


Community Services Thematic Area Identification and Priority Setting 


Technology Transfer and Community Service endeavor in MaU shall not be made by intuition or common sense rather it bases itself on the result of selected research outputs or requested by the community. The university shall identify the needs of the stakeholders periodically. Accordingly, the identified Technology Transfer and Community Service Directorate Thematic Areas include:  


1.      Health Sciences

@ Maternal, child and reproductive health

@ Diarrheal diseases, neglected and tropical infections disease 

@ Drug use and integration of traditional and modern medicines

@ Nutrition and food security

@ Mental disorders, substance use disorders, addiction and epilepsy 

@ Communicable and non-communicable disease 

@ Health information system applications

2.      Agricultural Sciences 

@ Agricultural production, productivity and postharvest handling 

@ Sustainable Natural resource Management

@ Empowering gender in nutrition sensitive Agriculture

@ Urban Agriculture and forestry

@ Organic farming and municipal waste management 

@ Fishery, aquaculture, livestock production and Management 

3.      Natural Sciences 

@ Biodiversity, fishery and aquaculture 

@ Sport Science in Community and its application 

@ Statistical tools and its application 

@ Environmental change and toxicology 

@ Space Science and Nuclear radiation 

4.      Engineering and Technology 

@ Construction contract administration, optimization of construction materials and methods

@ Industrial automation and Energy 

@ Design, construction and maintenance of buildings, hydraulic structures and road 

@ Sustainable energy, agricultural machinery and industrial equipment design 

@ Disposal and treatment of hazardous chemicals and environmental protection 

@ Web development, computer applications and networking, Artificial Intelligence,


5.      Social Sciences 

@ Natural resource management & Climate change 

@ Sociological views and youth behaviour

@ Language related issues 

@ Good governance & human rights 

@ Culture and tourism 

@ Gender issues 

6.      Business and Economics 

@  Information system, data base development and knowledge management 

@  Marketing, Entrepreneurship and enterprises development 

@  Leadership and good governance 

@  Tax collection system and administration

@  Book keeping and saving 

7.      Law 

@ Legal and para-legal services 

@ Laws and justice 

@ Prisoners’ related issues

@ Human Rights of vulnerable persons 

8.      Education and Behavioral Sciences 

@ Quality Education and education related issues 

@ Special Needs and Cross-cutting issues 

@ Pedagogy and andragogy 


Lists of community service, training, consultancy, project work completed in the year 2013 E.C.

Ø  Construction of Dr Mike Brady memorial public library at Mattu Town

Ø  Honey bee project which has been handed over to 50 Farmer and youth groups in Yayyo Woreda 

Ø   Construction of 12 shoeshine’s shade and handed over to 36 jobless youth of Mattu Town.

Ø  10 Capacity building trainings were provided for the community based on the identified thematic area.

Ø  Free legal services were provided for 578 vulnerable peoples.

Ø  Free professional service on Scaling up mental health service is provided for 269 people at Mattu Karl specialized referral hospital

Ø  28 computers were donated to four high school (Gore,Hurrumu,Dorani,Bure) 

Ø  3000 soap each weighing 200g were donated to vulnerable populations of Mattu town and Buno Bedele zone to prevent COVID-19.

Lists of community service, training, consultancy, project work completed in the year 2014 E.C

Ø  Official Launching of Dr Mike Brady memorial public library for the public service at Mattu Town

Ø   21 capacity building training were provided for the community based on the identified thematic area.

·         Providing Free community service for farmers by engaging university students on soil and water conservation activities. The Case of Bedele Woreda

·    Improving Knowledge and Practices of Menstrual Hygiene Management Among Female Students and Establishing All Inclusive Clubs in High Schools of Mettu Town, 2021

·         Providing Mental Health Service and Psychosocial Support for Orphan Childrens in Orphanages of Ilu Aba Bor and Buno Bedele Zones, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2021

·    Providing Drug Information Services at Mettu Karl Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia, 2021

·    Free service training on the Eagle Point and AutoCAD, Software for versatile purpose

·    Free legal services were provided for 99 vulnerable peoples

·    Free professional services were provided by Bedele Campus instructors on different common courses for Buno Bedele zone high schools.

·    400 desk top computers were distributed to 14 high schools in Ilu Aba Bor and Buno Bedele Zones in collaboration with Camara eduation to establish STEM centers.

·     10 STEM centres were established and officially launched in Ilu Aba Bor Zone

·    400 modern beehives were donated to Didu woreda kebele, Zone organized farmers and youth on honey production.

·     Training and CAF-D licensing on coaching football for former players and coaches Ilu Aba Bor Zone were provided for previous coaches in collaboration with Ethiopian football federation.  

·     Teaching and learning materials were provided for 350 vulnerable students of Yayyo and Bacho wereda.

·    One water pump was donated to Dorani woreda youth organized to work on irrigation work.

·    In collaboration with Human bridge ,350 modern bed and 35 wheelchairs were donated and distributed  for Patient service to Mattu Karl specialized referral hospital, Darimu General Hospital and Bedele General Hospital.


Lists of community service, training, consultancy, project work completed in the year 2015 E.C

1.      Lists of project work completed 2015 E.C

·    Construction of poultry farm for displaced community from Mattu University construction site is completed and ready for hand over to the community.

·    Laboratory testing and consultancy service were provided for 300 people on non-communicable diseases in Mattu Town  

·    .Three Traffic police Cabin were constructed and donated to Mettu city traffic police department   

·    3000 improved variety of plant seedling were distributed to 50 farmers by Bedele Campus Instructors.

·  Project work on Design and Fabrication Of Spiral Tube Water Pump On the Bank Of QONOR River In I/A/Bor Zone, Mettu Woreda, Burusa Kebele is completed 

2.      Lists of Capacity building trainings provided 2015 E.C

Ø   Promoting and implementation of  urban agriculture by capacity building and input provision at Mattu Town 

Ø  Training on how to be an effective Entrepreneur, in the case of Mattu Town Women Entrepreneur,  

Ø  Training on Beekeeping, the case of Ilubabor Zone Prisoners

Ø  Training on Computer aided three –dimensional interactive application soft wares for versatile purpose

Ø  Training on the application of eagle and civil 3dsoft wares for various offices in ilubabore zone 

Ø  Training on calf Management To Improve Milk Production At Bedele District

3.      Lists of  free professional services provided in 2015 E.C

·         Computer aided three –dimensional interactive application soft wares for versatile purpose

·         Caring For Community : pharmaceutical Dispensing and promoting Rational Drug Use to patients Attending Mettu karl Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Oromia Regina, Southwest Ethiopia

·         Awareness Creation on Antimicrobial Resistance at Mattu karl comprehensive specialized  hospital

·         Improving Awareness and preventive practice of cervical and cancer Among female high school student of Mattu Town,2022 

·         The application of eagle and civil 3dsoft wares for various offices in ilubabore zone 

·         Calf Management To Improve Milk Production At Bedele District 

      One electronics and computer laboratory has been established in collaboration with STEM POWER in the University. 

  Free legal services were provided for 210 vulnerable peoples

      49,220 Birr Payment for membership in health insurance was covered for 107 vulnerable peoples of Abasaya,Tabo and qollo korma kebele community of Mattu Town.

Lists of on-going community service project 

·         Improved Avocado production by Grafting Method and supply to local community in Buno Bedele and Ilubabor Zones, southwest Ethiopia 

·         Indigenous sheep community based selective breeding program establishment by Mattu University 

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Mr Eshetu Chilo Feyisa

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